Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Words to Live By

I stumbled upon this quote last night on Tumblr, and it was to good not to share.

{Photo Credit}

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Monday, July 22, 2013

Rambling On: Where Have I Been?

Hello once again everyone!

The last time I posted anything was around Christmas time and I was about to being my first ever college finals. Well since then, I have completed a whole other semester, finishing up my freshman year of college! Now, summer I feel like has come, and is almost gone!
So much has changed since Christmas break that I don't even know where to begin. I had so many amazing opportunities to travel since last posting. I had the opportunity to travel to New Orleans, Connecticut, Daytona Beach, and finishing off my semester with our annual family vacation to Disney World!

Another major thing that has changed in my life is that I have adopted a puppy! The day we arrived home from our vacation, my family and I welcomed a three month old Wheaten Terrier named Sadie into our home. We had been looking everywhere across the United States for a Wheaten puppy and came across one less than an hour from our house.Ever since I can remember I had always wanted a puppy, and by bringing Sadie into our home, I could not be happier!Even though she can be the biggest pain in the butt sometimes, she is my absolute pride and joy! Unfortunately, my apartment I am living in for this coming school year does not allow pets, so she will continue living at my parents house. But since I attend school and will be living only 20 minutes from my home, I can come home and see her whenever I want.

And that is a short update on what's been going on in my life. Over the last several months, I have been giving this blog a lot of thought, and I am very excited to what I have in store for it!

Until next time, 
College Girl in Pearls

Friday, December 7, 2012

Finals Week!

In college, everyone hates the dreaded finals week. At my university, finals started yesterday, and luckily I am finished tomorrow! Finals are always hard for me because I feel that I've worked so hard all semester, and winter break is just a few short days away. I just don't have the motivation anymore. But with a little coaxing, and keeping in mind my ultimate goal, I always manage to push through. So with that, I wish everyone good luck on their finals, or if you're already finished, I hope you are enjoying your winter break!

College Girl in Pearls

Sunday, October 28, 2012

DIY Monogram Desktop Backgrounds! (Using Microsoft Paint)

At the beginning of the school year, I spent a lot (too much I might add...) of my time making up binder covers for each of my classes. Recently, I have seen many pins on Pinterest showing how to make your own iPhone covers. By taking this same concept, I was able to create my own monogrammed desktop backgrounds.
Since I do not have Photoshop, I had to play around a lot with different programs that I did have on my computer. This consisted of many trial runs with Microsoft Word, Microsoft Publisher, and the ever frustrating Paint. In the end, Paint ended up being my choice. I am still learning the basics, and as of right now, I concentrate and try not to mess up the first time because once I place something, say a letter, I can't figure out how to adjust it without messing up my entire project. Maybe someone has some advice? Below, I have listed step by step instructions (with pictures!) on how I created my monogrammed desktop backgrounds!

DIY Monogram Backgrounds:

Step 1: Pick out your pattern. 
The easiest way I find is to just search on Google. If you are making a computer background, it is a bit easier because you can find images that will be in the correct dimensions. For the demo background I searched "Lilly Pulitzer Computer Wallpaper" in Google images. The picture in the red box is what I am choosing to use.
Step 2: Copy and paste Picture into Paint

Step 3: Make the base for your monogram.
This is where you can start getting creative! You can choose a circle, square, or basically any shape and colors you want! Here, I am going to go up to the "Shapes" area and choose a circle. Here I drew and solid color royal blue circle with a white circle in front.
Step 4: Make your monogram.
Now, it's time to make your monogram! I will be using the font KK Monogram that I downloaded from Dafont. It is much easier to create each letter in a separate text box. The side letters are size 270 and the middle initial is size 330, but this is all based on personal preference. I like my last initial significantly larger than my first and last initials. **Note if you like your monogram interlocking.** Make sure you like the placement of the side initials before adding in the last, or else you will have to undo and remake the last initial. 
Step 5: Save and set as your desktop background!
I hope you enjoyed this tutorial! If you have any questions, feel free to comment or email me! Have fun making new monogrammed desktop backgrounds!
College Girl in Pearls